Poland orders mass recall of ambassadors appointed by former right-wing government

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The new pro-EU Polish government has recalled 50 of its ambassadors appointed by the former right-wing administration in an effort to improve diplomatic ties.

The Polish Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said it was removing diplomats appointed by the previous government.

Without naming the ambassadors, the ministry said the change was “necessary” and would serve a “better, professional implementation of the difficult tasks” facing the country’s foreign policy.

The ministry did not clarify when the recalled ambassadors would be replaced.

The previous, Euro-skeptic government had ruled for eight years, until December. The ministry added that the decision had been approved by prime minister Donald Tusk and that the procedure was underway.

Mr Tusk said that it was crucial to have a team of loyal envoys at a challenging time, when neighbouring Ukraine is fending off Russia’s full-scale war. The announcement comes more than a month after he visited Kyiv in his first trip to the war-torn country since returning as head of government.

He said that he had high opinion of the work of Poland’s ambassador to Washington, Marek Magierowski, which suggested the envoy might not be recalled.

The prime minister stressed the move was „not a retaliation” against his predecessors.

However, the recall of the diplomats may not get the approval of president Andrzej Duda, who has been linked to the previous government and is critical of the prime minister. If Mr Duda does not approve, in locations where ambassadors were told to return home, charges d’affaires would remain as heads of missions.

The prime minister, after returning to office last year, vowed to „right the wrongs so that everyone, without exception, can feel at home”.

The previous administration of the right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party was marred by multiple conflicts with the EU, notably on issues such as judicial independence, the rule of law, and minority rights.

These disputes also resulted in the freezing of billions in funds from the bloc.

Mr Tusk now aims to strengthen Poland’s alignment with European allies and rekindle support for Ukraine.

Additional reporting by agencies

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