Watch live as Poland celebrates Armed Forces Day with military parade

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Watch live as Poland celebrates Armed Forces Day with a military parade on Tuesday 15 August.

More than 2000 soldiers and hundreds of tanks, fighter jets and other military vehicles will parade through Warsaw for the annual event that commemorates Poland’s victory over the Soviet Union’s Red Army in 1920.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made boosting the armed forces a priority for the country’s ruling nationalists Law and Justice (PiS), and with the election campaign in full swing, the immense display of military hardware provides a chance to burnish their security credentials.

The Armed Forces Day parade, taking place on the 103rd anniversary of Poland’s victory over the Soviet Union in the Battle of Warsaw, will see soldiers from Poland and other Nato countries march through the capital accompanied by military equipment and aircraft.

PiS, in power since 2015, says the parade will demonstrate how it is rebuilding the army after years of under-investment under the previous administration.

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