Watch live: Elon Musk speaks at EJA conference in Poland

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Watch live as Elon Musk speaks at a conference organised by the European Jewish Association (EJA) in Krakow, Poland, on Monday 22 January.

Senior political figures from European countries will meet the Tesla CEO “to discuss and find solutions to the astronomical rises in anti-Semitism affecting Europe,” the EJA said.

Mr Musk will be interviewed by Conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro on the topics of social media and online hate, after he came under fire for endorsing anti-Jewish material on his social media platform X in late 2023.

It caused an advertising boycott on the platform, with firms such as Apple, Disney, and IBM pausing their ads.

He’s also faced criticism for the way that X handles anti-semitic content on the website.

Mr Musk and Mr Shapiro visited Auschwitz earlier today alongside EJA Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margoli and Holocaust survivor Gidon Lev, after prominent Jewish leaders called for him to to see one of the Holocaust’s most symbolic sites for himself.

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